A Closer Look at the Methodology Behind US News Rankings: Understanding the Variables That Determine College and University Rankings

A Closer Look at the Methodology Behind US News Rankings: Understanding the Variables That Determine College and University Rankings

A Closer Look at the Methodology Behind US News Rankings: Understanding the Variables That Determine College and University Rankings


The college and university rankings released by US News & World Report are widely recognized and highly influential in shaping the perception of educational institutions. These rankings play a significant role in influencing student decisions, institutional reputations, and even government policies in higher education. To fully understand these rankings, it is crucial to delve into the methodology used by US News to determine them. This article takes a closer look at the variables and factors considered in these rankings.

Methodology Overview

US News utilizes a comprehensive methodology that evaluates colleges and universities across several key dimensions. These dimensions are categorized and weighted differently based on the ranking they fall within. The rankings typically consider factors such as academic reputation, student selectivity, graduation and retention rates, faculty resources, alumni giving, financial resources, expert opinions, student excellence, and more. Breaking down these variables allows us to gain a deeper understanding of how they contribute to the overall rankings.

Variable 1: Academic Reputation

Academic reputation is a crucial component in college and university rankings. Evaluation of institutional reputation is often based on subjective assessments from academic experts, including college presidents, provosts, and deans. These individuals are asked to rank institutions based on their perceived quality of undergraduate education, research programs, faculty expertise, and more. The opinions collected are then aggregated to form an overall academic reputation score for each institution.

Variable 2: Student Selectivity

The selectivity variable examines various factors related to the qualifications and characteristics of admitted students, such as high school class rank, SAT/ACT scores, and the acceptance rate of an institution. Institutions that are highly selective in their admission process generally receive higher scores in this category, reflecting their ability to attract top-performing students.

Variable 3: Graduation and Retention Rates

Graduation and retention rates play a significant role in determining rankings, as these reflect an institution’s ability to support and retain students until they graduate. High graduation rates demonstrate the effectiveness of the institution’s programs, faculty, and student support services. US News also accounts for factors such as the difference in actual graduation rates with predicted rates, thereby factoring in the impact of student body composition and other demographics.

Variable 4: Faculty Resources

The faculty resources variable evaluates the strength and quality of an institution’s academic staff. This includes factors such as faculty-to-student ratio, percentage of full-time faculty, faculty salary, and the proportion of faculty with the highest degree in their field. Institutions with highly qualified and dedicated faculty generally receive higher scores in this category.

Variable 5: Alumni Giving

Alumni giving is another essential variable that influences college and university rankings. This variable measures the percentage of alumni who financially support their respective institutions. A higher percentage of alumni giving indicates a strong commitment to the institution and its mission, which positively impacts rankings.

Variable 6: Financial Resources

Financial resources refer to an institution’s ability to fund its programs, support its faculty, invest in research, and provide the necessary infrastructure for its students and staff. This variable considers both per-student spending and the institution’s overall financial assets. A robust financial position enables an institution to offer better academic resources and support services, thus contributing to higher rankings.

Variable 7: Expert Opinions

US News also seeks expert opinions from those in the field of higher education, including university administrators and high school guidance counselors. These experts rate institutions based on their understanding of the institutions’ educational offerings, faculty qualifications, curriculum innovation, and overall quality. The aim of expert opinions is to provide a comprehensive evaluation based on the latest developments in the academic landscape.

Variable 8: Student Excellence

The student excellence variable evaluates factors that demonstrate the academic quality and success of enrolled students. This includes the proportion of enrolled students who graduated in the top 10% of their high school class, standardized test scores, and other indicators of academic achievement. Institutions with notable student excellence tend to receive higher scores in this category.

Other Variables

In addition to the above variables, US News takes into account various other factors depending on the specific ranking being calculated. These factors may include faculty awards and honors, student-faculty ratio, freshman retention rates, social mobility, and more. Each ranking has its own unique blend of variables designed to capture different aspects of institutional performance.


Q: How influential are US News rankings in college admissions?

A: US News rankings are highly influential in college admissions. Many students and families consider these rankings as an essential factor when making college decisions. However, it is important to remember that rankings should not be the sole determinant in choosing a college or university; individual fit, academic programs, financial aid, and personal preferences should also be considered.

Q: Are US News rankings accurate and reliable?

A: While US News rankings have gained significant recognition, it is essential to understand that no ranking system can fully represent the complexities and nuances of higher education. US News rankings provide valuable insights, but they should not be the sole measure of an institution’s worth. Students and families are encouraged to consider multiple sources of information and visit campuses to make well-informed decisions.

Q: Can colleges and universities improve their rankings?

A: Colleges and universities can improve their rankings by enhancing various aspects of their institution that are considered in the methodology. However, institutions should focus on improving overall quality rather than solely chasing rankings. Institutions should provide excellent education, support student success, invest in faculty development, foster research, and maintain a strong financial position to enhance their reputation in the long run.

Q: How often are the rankings updated?

A: US News releases its annual college and university rankings every fall. Institutions are evaluated based on the latest available data and updates to the methodology may be made periodically to ensure the rankings remain relevant and reflective of the changing landscape of higher education.

Q: Do the rankings favor certain types of institutions?

A: US News rankings strive to capture the diverse landscape of higher education by evaluating institutions based on their mission and the type of students they serve. The methodology is designed to assess all institutions fairly, regardless of size, public or private status, or focus on liberal arts, research, or professional programs.

Q: Are US News rankings only relevant for undergraduate programs?

A: While US News rankings are primarily focused on undergraduate programs, they also provide rankings for graduate programs, law schools, business schools, medical schools, and more. These specialized rankings consider criteria specific to each discipline, providing valuable insights to prospective students.


Understanding the methodology employed by US News in determining college and university rankings helps us appreciate the intricate factors that contribute to an institution’s reputation. Academic reputation, student selectivity, graduation and retention rates, faculty resources, alumni giving, financial resources, expert opinions, and student excellence are some of the variables that shape these rankings. It is crucial to remember that rankings should be seen as a starting point for research and decision-making, and students should consider a variety of factors to determine the best college or university for their individual needs and aspirations.

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